Unexpectable decision of Russian court about admission the decision of foreign court legal in Russia.

27 December 2024
For about 150 legal actions about the admission foreign judicial decisions legal are handled in the territory of Russian Federation every year. Between Russia and foreign countries are concluded around 35 agreements about legal cooperation, but between Russia and Germany there is not such agreement. Thus, such decision of the Saint-Petersburg’s court is important and resonance for Russia, because there is not the direction of judgment execution. Ratification of Hague Convention about admission and execution foreign judicial decisions by civil and economic lawsuits from the 2nd July 2019 between Russian and different countries could be an important step in countries’ cooperation. Agreements has been obligated for European countries since the September 2023. The Minister of Justice of Russian Federation signed the Hague Convention in 17th November 2021, however Russia has not ratified it. However, Russia often admits international decisions and behave faithfully, appreciating law systems in other countries. Thus, admitted decisions from foreign countries are important in relation to protection human’s rights and freedoms. Generally accepted principles of international law include the principle of mutuality, which is derived from the principle of international politeness. According to the clause 1 art. 245 of Arbitration procedure code of RF, decisions from foreign courts, appeared in economic or entrepreneurial disputes, must be executed in the territory of Russian Federation. According to the art. 14 of the Constitution of RF, principles and provisions of international law are the important part in Russian law system.


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