Work for the future. Manage risks. Consolidate values. Develop the business.
Unexpectable decision of Russian court about admission the decision of foreign court legal in Russia.
In this article we will tell you about how Arbitration Court in Saint-Petersburg admitted the decision of German court legal. The amount of this lawsuit was about 150 000 euros. However, the defendant submitted the appeal claim to this decision and the end results are not known now.
MoreHow new contract can restart the term of limitation in old debts?
We will tell you about situations, in which the contract with retroactive effect can be helpful for debts recognition.
MoreHow to avoid the admission that transaction is simulated?
We want to tell you how to protect your transactions from the admission them simulated by tax authorities.
MoreHow to avoid the transaction, which was concluded due to a mistake or under the misapprehension?
In this article we will tell you about how to admit the contract is void, because of the fact that this contract was concluded by mistake or under the misapprehension.
MoreNew trends in labor disputes: the Supreme Court supports companies in disputes with bad faith employees
In this article we will tell you about new decisions of the Supreme Court, where it took the side of employers in labor relations and admit employees’ actions in bad faith.
MoreWhich terms and conditions of the contract can be excluded from it?
We will tell you how to exclude from the contract some clauses, which the law does not prohibit there, however, they are not beneficial
MoreThe Supreme Court creates new practice on the issue of the exclusion of a participant from a limited liability company even if his share is 50% and more
We will tell you about the new practice, which is increasingly being created by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
MoreHow can advertising attract employees of the Federal Antimonopoly Service instead of customers and how can you minimize the risks of this?
We will share with you information about risks minimization of advertising on different services, and avoidance questions from the Federal Antimonopoly Service about your advertising
MoreWhy do courts not recognize unilateral refusal, when a company repudiates a contract?
We want to discuss, why Russian courts take a negative position in situations, where a company unilaterally refuses to fulfill its obligations under a contract
MoreSupreme Court ruling on the Bank's unlawful refusal to forcing conversion
In this article we will discuss the recent ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
MoreHow avoid getting claims from employees about the use of their photos in social networks and on the company's website?
We will tell you about how to avoid such situations, when it seems that the employee agrees to use his photos
MoreHow to cancel the unfavorable condition imposed by the counterparty?
In this article we will tell you how you should behave yourself in the situation, when the counterparty suggests unfavorable or unfair conditions, and how you can cancel it within Court
MoreHow can a customer obtain compensation for contractor's violations without judicial process?
In this article we will tell you about what you need to do for saving your money in situations, when the contractor made violations under the contract
MoreThe actual news in the law sphere
In this article we will tell you about important changes in the law sphere
MoreUnusual condition that the Supreme Court has allowed to be included in a preliminary contract
On an atypical condition, which the Supreme Court allowed to include in a preliminary contract
MoreWhat to do if the customer is not satisfied with the result? How to minimize risks when paying for a unilateral acceptance certificate
Today in the article we will cover the topic of how the customer can protect himself in case he is not satisfied with the result of work or services.
MoreRisks in concluding consent to personal data processing
The fine for the absence or incorrectness of a consent to the processing of personal data has been increased.
MoreExemption from confirmation of OKVED and share of activity
The bill provides for the exemption of legal entities from annual confirmation of OKVED
MoreOn the 6 of September 2024, the Ministry of Finance announced the possibility of bond substitution
The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation hereby informs of the possibility for holders of government securities of the Russian Federation, the nominal value of which is specified in foreign currency
MoreSupreme Court authorizes bankruptcy of Cypriot firm in Russia
Foreign creditors applied to a Russian court for bankruptcy of a counterparty resident in Cyprus
MoreNew risks in business relocation to the UAE
The new tax reform has raised the corporate tax rate to 9%
MoreBanning advertising from foreign agents, what do you need to know?
Now citizens and companies will not be able to place advertising on any information platforms of foreign agents, including websites, blogs and social networks
MoreHow are Russian courts changing their approach to sanctions?
The only salvation of the entrepreneur is the presence of extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances that prevented the fulfillment of the contract
MoreReview of decisions of courts of cassation instance for spring 2024
In this article we will review several recent decisions of the Arbitration Courts of cassation instance for spring 2024