Developing website requirements for compliance with consumer protection legislation

  • Extensive experience in drafting documents for compliancelegislation, concerning the protection of consumers’ rights and internet commerce regulations.
  • Individual approach and consideration of all the details of your business.
  • Quick cooperation and quality feedback.

Creating a legal framework for your web-resource

Online commerce is not only commercial sector of business, it is an area to which the state pays special legal attention. There are many requirements in the legislation about the protection of consumers’ rights and many specialized acts regulating online commerce. Our team will help you understand the legal nuances in your field and develop site requirements for you for compliancethe applicable laws.

Our team will develop the complex package of documents for compliancetheprotection of consumers’ rightswith special rules about internet commerce,will advise on all compliance-related issues.

team of specialists RECHTSANWALT ERICH RATH

Nowadays, the identification of sanctioned persons is becoming an integral part of successful international business. Our team will help you stay posted of the complex conditions of the global economy, ensuring the security and stability of your business.

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We are ready to discuss your case and provide details of our services.

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Advantages of working with us:

Extensive experience in the development of legal documentation for Internet sites
Individual development of any necessary documentation for your needs
Quality feedback and attention to detail

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Erich Rath - Executive partner